The InTENSity Twin StimIII combines Tens and EMS therapy in one beautiful digital device. The Tens has 4 Modes (Burst, Normal, Mod1, Mod 2) and the EMS has 3 modes (Synchronous, Asynchronous and Delay). This device is an industry leading 105mA. The Twin StimIII comes standard with an AC Adapter and is easy to operate.Wave Form: Tens - Monophasic Square, EMS - Biphasic/monophase square wave pulse Pulse Rate: Tens - 1-150 Hz, EMS - 1-150 Hz Pulse Width: Tens - 50-300us, EMS - 50-300us Output Voltage: Tens - Constant Current, EMS - Constant Current Current: Tens - 0-105mA, EMS - 0-105mA Modes: Tens - 4, EMS - 3bullTimer: Tens - 1-60 Constant, EMS - 1-60 Constant
Prescription Notice: This item is not available for your direct purchase. It is subject to Federal restrictions and may only be sold by or on the order of a licensed healthcare provider. Please contact us at 800-729-4614 for more information.