AMREX Low Volt Unit
<p>The MS322 Low Volt AC Muscle Stimulator combines proven reliability and ac power in a compact, low volt ac muscle stimulator. The MS322 is a single channel, two pad, low voltage electrical muscle stimulator that produces pulsation, tetanize, and surge output. <br /> <br /><strong>Low Volt AC Muscle Stimulator Battery Operable</strong> <br />The MS324A and MS324AB are designed for the application of low volt ac muscle stimulation. The MS324A and MS324AB are dual channel, four pad, low voltage electrical muscle stimulators that produce pulsation, tetanize, surge, and reciprocal output. The MS324A and MS324AB feature the patient treatment stop switch. Designed to promote patient assurance, the treatment stop switch allows the patient to discontinue stimulator output at the press of a button. For portability, or when ac power is unavailable, the MS324AB utilizes an internal rechargeable battery power supply. <br /> <br /><strong>21-3220</strong> AMREX 1 Ch. Low Volt Unit <br /><strong>21-3222</strong> AMREX 2 Ch. Low Volt Unit</p>